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�����������: ����. 2005

�����: 5 ���������

Help! I cant find flint to sharpen the spear. Where to locate it?!

����������: 20:43 - 19 ���., 2005

������: Antwerp, Belgium
�����������: ����. 2005

�����: 11 ���������

You have to talk to some people in Aroyo and one of them will say that he had a piece of flint, but that he lost it or something... (maybe the trader or the hunter/gecko skinner, not sure) In any case, first talk to the hunter in front of the bridge and ask him about his spear.

Your evil auntie has got it, but she'll want something in return... :-))

����������: 23:00 - 19 ���., 2005

�����������: ����. 2005

�����: 5 ���������

Quote: from Chibbi on 23:00 - 19 Feb., 2005
You have to talk to some people in Aroyo and one of them will say that he had a piece of flint, but that he lost it or something... (maybe the trader or the hunter/gecko skinner, not sure) In any case, first talk to the hunter in front of the bridge and ask him about his spear.

Your evil auntie has got it, but she'll want something in return... :-))

thx a lot!
But that's in original game. Now in NV the auntie only said something bullshit when i talked with her. And she has nothing when i steal.....:-(
No flink -> No sharpen spear -> No skill learned from gecko hunter!!!!!

����������: 7:53 - 20 ���., 2005

������: Antwerp, Belgium
�����������: ����. 2005

�����: 11 ���������

No, it's the same in this version, only slightly different...

First talk to bridgeguard about his spear, then talk to trader (Slik or something) and he'll tell he had a piece of flint...

THEN go to auntie, she'll have some more dialog options available...

(Addition of 15:18 - 20 Feb., 2005.)

Anybody know how to get down into Klamath underground ?

Read something about a rock and a spring, but can't find the right rock.

And what's up with that 'closed from the inside' outhouse near Vic's house ? Explosives doesn't do the trick :-))

(Addition of 16:11 - 20 Feb., 2005.)

Quote: from Chibbi on 15:07 - 20 Feb., 2005

(Addition of  15:18 - 20 Feb., 2005.)
Anybody know how to get down into Klamath underground ?

Nevermind, I overlooked a metal door which leads to the west side, my bad.

����������: 15:07 - 20 ���., 2005

������: Texas, USA
�����������: ����. 2005

�����: 3 ���������

Is the entrance to (Klamath) underground in the building with three empty metal shelves and a big pile of rocks?   Or am I wasting time in the wrong place?  I don't see how to go any farther west, but the rocks don't offer any clues.

����������: 18:05 - 20 ���., 2005

������: Antwerp, Belgium
�����������: ����. 2005

�����: 11 ���������

Quote: from GeckosInTheMist on 18:05 - 20 Feb., 2005
Is the entrance to (Klamath) underground in the building with three empty metal shelves and a big pile of rocks? � Or am I wasting time in the wrong place? �I don't see how to go any farther west, but the rocks don't offer any clues.

Use an explosive, if the rocks disappear, you're in the right room... (better save game before using explosives)

����������: 0:11 - 21 ���., 2005

������: Texas, USA
�����������: ����. 2005

�����: 3 ���������

Great!  Thanks for the tip.  Time to go shopping for explosives.

BTW, has anyone encountered a possible bug with getting training from the chief warrior in Arroyo?  I used the same character (no stat changes), different save points.  One time I got him to teach me melee combat, the other time he would only say something like, "Take this cudgel and let's begin." and then just stand around.  In the "good" save game, he'd start  knocking me down at that point, and I'd get a skill bonus in a few "hours".   No big deal, just wondering if there might be a bug.

����������: 3:21 - 22 ���., 2005
Wasteland Ghost
��������� ���� ����������

������: ������, ������
�����������: ���. 2002

�����: 2251 ���������

Just approach to him ;).

����������: 10:26 - 22 ���., 2005

�����������: ����. 2005

�����: 3 ���������

Hope someone can help me out.  I've gone to Klammath, gotten the poison and returned back to the village...everyone there is upset with me saying I cheated in the trials.  I've talked to practicly everyone and exhausted all the dialog options but I seem to be stuck...I can't figure out how to clear my name or how to proceed.  Thanks.

����������: 2:00 - 23 ���., 2005

������: Texas, USA
�����������: ����. 2005

�����: 3 ���������

Wasteland Ghost:  I've tried that.  I'll get the "I don't want to shout out to you." dialogue if I'm far away, and then the "Take this cudgel" dialogue, but nothing happens.  On a different occasion, he went straight from the "cudgel" dialogue to a training scene, so I have seen it work.  It's just not working in this particular save game.

Sphenix:  Try talking to someone you think would be least likely to help you.

����������: 2:28 - 23 ���., 2005

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